SMS marketing
Corporate/Business/Legit SMS marketing
product marketing trends have been under huge transformation through the last
decades, but their exploited and exceeded usage by small advertisers and
scammers have compromised the viability and credibility of this critical
channel in public opinion. Gexton Inc. Pakistan is determined to present the
rightful and deserving version of this useful medium of advertising by framing
high-quality standards and codes with its Corporate SMS Marketing Service
(CSMS). With Gexton’s CSMS we’ll channelize your product/service prospects and
exposure to your potential customers with authenticated, original and clean SMS
content which they will receive by your company’s name for lasting customer
impact. With 100% scam free and without any data forgery scheme, we guarantee
that the passive SMS readers of your marketing content will become your
company’s permanent advocate forever. For special data retrieval services and
other functions, we also welcome subscriptions for special short-code services
for the customized and performance-oriented experience.
You can
rely on GEXTON as one such partner. To understand your business problems and to
provide solutions.